A New Way to Approach Goal Setting
Contributed by Idea Collective Member:

Teri Kerr
Empowerment Coach with the Unstuck Duck Coaching
Eat (and enjoy) your cake – a new way to approach goal setting
“You can’t have your cake and eat it too!”
Um. Why not?
This is something I’ve never understood. If it’s my cake I should be able to do whatever I want with it. I should be able to eat the whole thing in one sitting if that’s what I want to do. I could eat it in stages – icing first, cake last. I could eat it for breakfast, share it with a friend, or bury it in the backyard if I so desired. It’s my cake!
Why can’t I have my cake and eat it too?
When it comes to our businesses we are often ingrained with the ancient programming of “pain-staking labour.”
Because of our inner (and outer) drill sergeants, we then fall into creating goals, plans and actions because we SHOULD do them.
I spent 9 months of my business trying to fit into someone else’s idea of success because I was “should on” by a person of influence in my life.
I have taken dozens of programs and courses because I felt I wasn’t enough on my own.
I have doubted myself, shamed myself, and turtled on the couch because I was stuck in a spiral of doubt, fear, and self-sabotage.
But what if it doesn’t have to be hard?

What if we challenge the paradigm that we need to work ourselves to the bone to be able to achieve greatness?
The thing is, this hard work thing – this pain-staking labour – this hustle culture – it’s the swamp of SHOULD.
And should-goals are exceptionally difficult to stay motivated for.
What if instead of should-goals, we choose gift-goals? What it you were to create goals that not only feel like a million bucks when you achieve them, but that are a gift to self while taking action towards them?
Creating your intentions for your business in a way that feeds your soul is a gift. And pursuing a gift-goal is like water flowing downhill. It feels like alignment. Ease and flow. Joy.
Life is too short to be miserable. Here’s your permission slip to have your cake and eat it too!
We can talk about your gift-goals in the Idea Collective, which has an entire community of experts who can help you with any aspect of your small business.

Contributed by
Teri Kerr
Strategy Expert
I love to help people get unstuck – in career, in leadership, in mindset and in life. I offer group & one:one coaching, networking opportunities, innovation & idea generation, and masterminding to provide vision, accountability & action for your business.