Mastering MOJO in Your Business
Contributed by Idea Collective Member:

Julie Miller Davis
Productivity Coach | Corporate Speaking | Productivity Training
I started playing tennis about 5 years ago, and my coach has talked a lot to our team about DOUBLES MOJO.
It’s something that bonds us to our doubles partner, keeps us focused, and lets the other team know that we are a unit. The great thing about having a partner on the court is that when I get in my own head or have trouble with my serve or a shot, she is there to talk me through and bring me back. The great thing, too, is that when we’re doing well, we are together and can celebrate and keep each other grounded.
How do we keep our doubles mojo?
We come together after every point to high five, click rackets together, or just say a word or two. During the changeover of sides of the net, my partner and I always walk together to the sideline, stand together, and then re-enter the court together. Honestly, this action not only builds strength between the two of us, but it also shows our competitors that we are strong.
I have thought a lot about what MOJO might be in business and how we can apply the same principles. In our businesses, we are truly stronger in numbers. We may not have a partner, per se, but we do have our tribe of people, our collaborators, our mentors, coaches, and friends. The question is are you using all these resources to build, keep, or get back your MOJO?
Here are some tips to make sure you are really tapping into the power of the people surrounding you.
1. Find that group of people who are ON YOUR PAGE
Meaning that they are like-minded people and going through or have gone through the same things you are. So many times, my clients try to do things themselves or they talk to their spouse or friends who have no idea what it’s like to own a business or be an entrepreneur. These conversations can be frustrating because you start hearing things that cause self-doubt or a throwing in of the towel because you feel alone in what you’re facing. If you have a group of people who can relate to you, the support is there if you tap into it!
2. Find your truth teller
This is likely a coach (NOT A FRIEND—they give a little too much grace!) who will hold you accountable and challenge you. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been on the verge of tears with my coach because she’s asking me the hard questions. But without her, I wouldn’t grow or be where I am! She has become a dear friend, but ultimately, I’m paying her to ask me the hard questions, push me past my own limits and to hold me accountable to do the things I say I’m going to do or to try new things. Your truth teller will NOT let you stay where you are—he or she will push you to where things are uncomfortable so you can do things you’ve never done before. A coach is committed to your success and will do what he or she can to get you where you want to go and beyond.
3. Make sure you’re tapping into your ADVOCATES!
These are the people who can vouch for your expertise and your effectiveness in what you do! They are your clients and customers! Ask them what made them work with you, what results they realized, and how you made them better in whatever way you served them. There is nothing more powerful than hearing how you changed someone or something for the better. Ask them to write it, to speak it, and tap into that power! When you remember how good you are at what you do through someone else’s eyes, you can’t help but tap into that MOJO and want to do more.
We have reached the middle of the year! Find that MOJO and step out of the fatigue that sometimes catches you at this point in driving toward our goals. Remember, just like in my tennis game, finding that MOJO is a lot easier and more effective if you’ve got the right people surrounding you and walking shoulder to shoulder with you on this journey. Go get it! Make the remainder of 2022 more than you ever thought possible.
If you’d like to talk more about finding your MOJO, join the Idea Collective and benefit from the brilliant minds of its members.

Contributed by
Julie Miller Davis
Productivity Coach
Julie Miller Davis is a driven entrepreneur who serves others by helping them reach their own levels of excellence. She works with business owners and leaders to get them laser-focused and efficient at conducting their daily business and working through their current roadblocks.